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Ottoman History  Misperceptions and Truths

Kategori: Tarih Yazar: Doç. Dr. Said Öztürk Yayınevi: Osav

Ottoman History Misperceptions and Truths

Tanıtım Bülteni
As preparation for this book, the questions it deals with have been discussed in academic research ever since 1983, and, in addition, hundreds of conferences have been held throughout Anatolia. As a result, over 5000 questions have accumulated in our "question desk," submitted in written form by both readers and listeners. For example, the issue of harem comes first, with 503 questions. The issue of whether the Ottoman Sultans, particularly Bayezid the Thunderbolt, drank alcohol ranked second, with 276 questions. These were followed by such questions as fratricide rights and freedoms in the Ottoman state, the issue of the Sultans going on pilgrimage, if Sultan Wahiduddin was a traitor, etc. Needless to say, we have been inspired by similar research done in this field.
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Ottoman History Misperceptions and Truths PDF 6.23 MB İndir
Ottoman History Misperceptions and Truths EPUB 6.96 MB İndir
Ottoman History Misperceptions and Truths MOBI 5.49 MB İndir
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Kitap Adı Format Boyut Bağlantı
Ottoman History Misperceptions and Truths PDF 6.23 MB İndir

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