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Leadership Traits of The Emperors of Ottoman Ascension Period: Great Man Theory

Kategori: Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar Yazar: Dr. Nilüfer Rüzgar Yayınevi: Nobel Bilimsel

Leadership Traits of The Emperors of Ottoman Ascension Period: Great Man Theory

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    According to the “Great Man Theory”, leaders are born with a set of specific skills and traits that makes an individual destined for a leadership position. Also known as a trait perspective to leadership, it suggests that certain individuals have special innate or inborn characteristics or qualities that differentiates them from non-leaders. Specifically, these characteristics were believed to include height, weight, appearance, intelligence, disposition and others. Furthermore, charismatic and inspirational leaders instil faith in a better future for the followers in terms of their self-expression, self-evaluation, and self-consistency.The history of Ottomans is complicated and complex in terms of its emperors from the beginning to the end, in addition to severe relations with Europe and Asia. In this sense, especially the ascension period constitutes great importance; because of the fact that the six emperors of the period turned the Ottoman State into an “Empire” with their individual traits and acts. Therefore, it is worth to consider them as “great men” and evaluate them in this frame in order to construe the claim.It is expected that this book sheds light to the future researches in terms of evaluating both the emperors of Ottoman Empire and the other World emperors in terms of great man theory.
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