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A First Course in Discrete Dynamical Systems

Kategori: Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar Yazar: Richard A. Holmgren Yayınevi: Springer-verlag Gmbh

A First Course in Discrete Dynamical Systems

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    Given the ease with which computers can do iteration it is now possible for almost anyone to generate beautiful images whose roots lie in discrete dynamical systems. Images of Mandelbrot and Julia sets abound in publications both mathematical and not. The mathematics behind the pictures are beautiful in their own right and are the subject of this text. Mathematica programs that illustrate the dynamics are included in an appendix.
    SatıcıKitap AdıBağlantı
    TrendyolA First Course in Discrete Dynamical Systems Satın Al
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    IdefixA First Course in Discrete Dynamical Systems Satın Al
    BKM KitapA First Course in Discrete Dynamical Systems Satın Al
    HepsiburadaA First Course in Discrete Dynamical Systems Satın Al
    Nadir KitapA First Course in Discrete Dynamical Systems Satın Al
    N11A First Course in Discrete Dynamical Systems Satın Al
    Amazon TürkiyeA First Course in Discrete Dynamical Systems Satın Al
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    A First Course in Discrete Dynamical SystemsPDF6.23 MB İndir

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