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Evolution: Science or Ideology?

Kategori: Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar Yazar: İrfan Yılmaz Yayınevi: Tughra Book

Evolution: Science or Ideology?

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    The idea of evolution is neither similar to the laws of physics, nor does it have the character of being experienced by a person’s heart and soul. It is siply the subject matter of belief, attained solely by observing the abundance of creatures in nature and by interpreting some of the changes in living beings. From this point, the “Hypothesis of Evolution” is just like a matter of belief and yet, it is also a kind of creed. Religion is the main source fort he values which shape a person’s life. So, too, belief in Evolution influences the lives of those who adhere to it, and it is a main cause, just like a religion, in shaping their lives. And certainly, those believe in Evolution shoul have the freedom to “practice” and teach their beliefs. But it cannot be acceptable fort hem to attack those who believe in divine religions and do not think in the same way they do, or fort hem to consider their opponents to be enemies of science.Evolution: Science or Ideology? Aims to show how the theory of evolution has been abused to deny religious thought, and that the scientific evidence set forth to prove it actually serves the opposite.
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