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Golden Fox

Kategori: Edebiyat Yazar: Wilbur Smith Yayınevi: Pan Books

Golden Fox

Tanıtım Bülteni
She felt Ramon come awake and spring from the bed, naked and lithe as a jungle cat. She heard the metallic snicker of a firearm as he snatched the pistol from the holster. In the darkness a yellow flower of gun-flamed bloomed, and a single bullet whiplashed across twenty yards of open ground...In the searing heat of a divided Africa two decades of bitter dynastic conflict explode with terrifying ferocity. To Gary and Sean Courtney it is a struggle to the end; brother pitted against brother as they are dragged unwittingly into the lair of an international terrorist.Only Isabella Courtney stands between them and the mutual destruction they have willed for so long. Beautiful, headstrong Isabella; the link to 'Golden Fox' - a man whose alias hides a sinister and deadly secret...Traversing a vast panorama, from the heart of London society to the grandeur of Spain, from parched Ethiopia to war-torn Angola and on to the blazing hunting grounds of South Africa and Zimbabwe, Golden Fox is masterful storytelling from the arena of war; an adventure of stirring, irresistible intensity.“Full-blooded and romantic adventure”SUNDAY EXPRESS
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