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Hope to Die

Kategori: Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar Yazar: James Patterson Yayınevi: Cornerstone

Hope to Die

Tanıtım Bülteni
Detective Alex Cross has lost everything and everyone he's ever cared about.His enemy, Thierry Mulch, is holding his family. Driven by feelings of hatred and revenge, Mulch is threatening to kill them all, and break Cross for ever.But Alex Cross is fighting back.In a race against time, he must defeat Mulch, and find his wife and children - no matter what it takes.THE END-GAME HAS BEGUN.
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Hope to Die PDF 6.23 MB İndir
Hope to Die EPUB 6.96 MB İndir
Hope to Die MOBİ 5.49 MB İndir
Hope to Die ODF 5.86 MB İndir
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Hope to Die RAR 4.76 MB İndir
Hope to Die ZIP 4.39 MB İndir

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