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Noontime in Yenişehir

Kategori: Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar Yazar: Sevgi Soysal Yayınevi: Milet Puplıshıng

Noontime in Yenişehir

Tanıtım Bülteni
An award-winning modern classic of Turkish literature by one of Turkey’s most beloved authors, Noontime in Yenişehir brings together apparently disparate lives in a clever, prism-like plot. It all begins, and ends, with the collapse of a poplar tree in downtown Ankara… The story is based on three people: Ali, Doğan and Olcay. Soysal builds the story on this triangle and vividly depicts the struggle between the older generation who were content with the new post-Ottoman Turkey and who are disturbed by changes sought and brought on by the rebellious young generation.In this unforgettable, epic portrait of 1960s Turkey, the personal and political are intertwined in a questioning of what fidelity means—to sibling, lover, country and cause.
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