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Dream Psychology Psychoanalysis  For Beginners

Kategori: Psikoloji Yazar: Sigmund Freud Yayınevi: Alter Yayıncılık

Dream Psychology Psychoanalysis For Beginners

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    Freud is the father of modern abnormal psychology and he established the psychoanalytical point of view. No one who is not well grounded in Freudian lore can hope to achieve any work of value in the field of psychoanalysis.On the other hand, let no one repeat the absurd assertion that Freudism is a sort of religion bounded with dogmas and requiring an act of faith. Freudism as such was merely a stage in the development of psychoanalysis, a stage out of which all but a few bigoted camp followers, totally lacking in originality, have evolved. Thousands of stones have been added to the structure erected by the Viennese physician and many more will be added in the course of time.But the new additions to that structure would collapse like a house of cards but for the original foundations which are as indestructible as Harvey’s statement as to the circulation of the blood.Regardless of whatever additions or changes have been made to the original structure, the analytic point of view remains unchanged.That point of view is not only revolutionising all the methods of diagnosis and treatment of mental derangements, but compelling the intelligent, up-to-date physician to revise entirely his attitude to almost every kind of disease.
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