Telif Bildirimi ve Kitap Kaldırma İstekleri İçin
That’s Not My Owl

Kategori: Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar Yazar: Fina Watt Yayınevi: Usborne

That’s Not My Owl

Tanıtım Bülteni
There are eight wise owls for children to meet, and lots of new textures to touch and feel in this colourful board book. From tufty tummies to fuzzy wings and fluffy babies, young children will love to explore the touchy-feely patches on every page as they search for their owl. Specially designed to help develop sensory and language awareness in babies and toddlers. 
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That’s Not My Owl PDF 6.23 MB İndir
That’s Not My Owl EPUB 6.96 MB İndir
That’s Not My Owl MOBİ 5.49 MB İndir
That’s Not My Owl ODF 5.86 MB İndir
That’s Not My Owl DJVU 7.32 MB İndir
That’s Not My Owl RAR 4.76 MB İndir
That’s Not My Owl ZIP 4.39 MB İndir

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Normalde oyuncagiyla birlikte satiliyodu oyle sandim ama değilmiş. Kaliteli bi kitap ama fiyatina gore değer mi bilemiyorum. 1 yas ustune uygun diyebiliriz. Cunku icinde yolup yiyebilecekleri tuylu bolgeler var

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